
Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Forwarded for your information. Below are two requests from ABC News and RNN-TV. - Joe Bello

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ABC News wants you to "Be Seen, Be Heard!"

ABC News' is reaching out to you! This is an invitation for you and your members to engage in a dialogue with ABC News:

You saw Bob Woodruff's remarkable documentary: "To Iraq in Back" where Bob told not just his story but also the stories of several U.S.. service men and women who have suffered serious injuries and are now trying to recover from them.

Send in your comments and questions about the care Iraq war veterans are receiving? Do you think money for veteran’s care has become a political football? What do you think the government should be doing differently?

Do you have questions about Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), about how it’s treated or identified? Send them in to us and Bob Woodruff’s doctor will address them on ABC News Now and

To submit your video comments and questions, follow the instructions here:

http://abcnews. BeSeenBeHeard/ story?id= 2573144

Deadline to participate: Thursday, March 8th @ 11am

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RNN-TV Request for Interview on Conditions at local VA's


My name is Carolyn Rowe and I am a reporter with RNN-TV. I am looking for a local angle to the Walter Reed story. We, like everyone else, are trying to find out if similar situations are occuring in any VA hospitals in the NY Metro area.

I would love to speak with you, someone from your organizations, a family member or a local soldier who has had trouble with the system. I would love to set something up for either today, tomorrow or maybe even Thursday. Please reach out to me at the number below.

Thanks for your time,

Carolyn Rowe
(516) 729-1319

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