
Monday, March 05, 2007

Pictures of atrocities committed last summer.

The Iranian press and news outlets generally have ignored the events. However, in an interview with pro-government Fars News agency, the deputy mayor of the city of Kela Makê's (Mako) in the Iranian parliament, showed the official position towards the dreadful events that happened in Eastern Kurdistan where nine people were shot dead by the Iranian military and police along with hundreds arrested.

The Fars News Agency quoted the deputy mayor of Mako about the events Wednesday, February 15 as saying, “The armed gangs supporting Abdullah Ocalan clashed with the people in one of the villages of the area.”

Suleiman Jafarzadeh, in an interview with the parliamentary reporter of Fars News Agency, said about 200 opponents of the Turkish government who were supporters of Ocalan wanted to create unrest in one of the villages of the town of Bazirgan, a town near the border. He said this armed group shouted slogans against the Turkish government and in support of Abdullah Ocalan, the leader of “separatist Kurds” in Turkey. He added that then they clashed with the local people. Prior to the intervention by security forces, the people themselves took the initiatives and prevented their incitement, he explained, but unfortunately, as a result of the shootings, two compatriots lost their lives.

Kurdish village Mako
Jafarzadeh, a member of the National Security and Foreign policy commission of the Iranian parliament made it clear that a number of these “armed thugs” were arrested. But he said there is no information available concerning the number of people who have been arrested, and right now the authorities are continuing with their investigations and are questioning the arrested people. Jafarzadeh added the chieftains of Kurds and the tribes of the area have condemned this operation of armed thugs. He pointed out the tribal and Kurdish people of the area are a symbol of the security and are good protectors of Iran Islamic republic's border, they have prevented any intimidation and intervention upon Islamic homeland with their courage and steadfastness. Jafarzadeh says such events have no precedent in the towns of Bazirgan and Mako.

He said, “currently, the area is calm, and there are no specific problems; people are living their normal daily lives.”

Map showing Kurdish cities Mako, etc.
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Meanwhile, the Kurdish human rights movement in Eastern Kurdistan rejected this allegation of Jafarzadeh. Just like in the case of Shwan Qadiri, who was killed by Iranian security forces last summer because of his independent Kurdish political activities, the massacre was covered with lies and propaganda. Shwan was described as a thug. Seventy demonstrators following his death against the regime were also shot dead, with hundreds arrested and wounded.

The Kurdistan Human Rights Organisation has now published the names of the seven citizens who were shot by Iranian forces on Wednesday. Later, two others died because of their severe wounds. They were: Ali Karimzadeh (son of Omar), Muhammad (son of Mizo), Behram, Burhan (son of Hassan, domiciled in the village of Shatri around Kela Makê), Adil Makoyi (domiciled in the village of Jangeh), Bayram Arsen, and Yousef Kafashî (son of Ismail). The Kurdish organisation further states that at least 25 others were wounded.

The Party PJAK (Parti Jiyani Azadi Kurdistan), a sister party of the PKK, released a statement on 18 February according to which at least nine people in Mako, Poldesht, Shout and Bazirgan have been killed by security forces and an unknown number of protesters have been arrested.

On the eight anniversary of the arrest of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan, hundreds of Kurds in several towns and cities of Eastern Kurdistan demonstrated in condemnation of his imprisonment.

The Iranian government currently trying to focus on Abu Graibh and the Mohammed cartoons and trying to stir up anti-American sentiment, is responsible for the death of thousands of Kurds. Not only PKK supporters, but all Kurdish parties that do not support the Iranian regime. Despite the Iranian regime’s claims to be “the example of Islam,” the regime is against the Sunni Kurds, the Sunni Arabs in Khuzestan and other minorities.

Recently, a Kurd from Eastern Kurdistan asked me to interview him. His whole family, brothers and sisters were executed by the Iranian regime, which is an example of the non-Islamic regime’s worst image of Islam

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