
Monday, April 16, 2007

Clinton Press Release:

April 12, 2007

Washington, DC - Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) and Susan M. Collins (R-ME) and Representative Robert E. Andrews (D-NJ) today announced they are reintroducing legislation in the Senate and House of Representatives to establish a military service medal to honor Cold War Veterans. The Cold War Medal Act of 2007 honors those veterans who fought for our freedom and served their nation admirably during the Cold War.

"It is important that we not forget those who served during the Cold War, a decades long struggle in which the forces of freedom eventually triumphed. Our victory in the Cold War was made possible by the willingness of millions of Americans in uniform to stand prepared against the threat from behind the Iron Curtain. Our victory in the Cold War was a tremendous accomplishment and the men and women who served during that time deserve to be recognized," said Senator Clinton.

"I am pleased to be an original cosponsor of this legislation to honor the members of our Armed Forces who served honorably during the Cold War," said Senator Collins. "Throughout our nation's history, the heroes who wear the uniforms of the American Armed Forces put the comforts of civilian life aside to advance the cause of freedom. The veterans of the Cold War did their duty with honor and distinction. The Cold War Medal would be an appropriate means of expressing our gratitude for their devotion and sacrifice."

"The Cold War was a global military operation that was highly dangerous and sometimes fatal for the brave soldiers, sailors, airmen and women, and Marines engaged in the campaign," said Representative Andrews. "It was a critical period in our country's history. The millions of American veterans who served around the world to help us win this conflict deserve a unique medal in recognition and thanks for their service."

Specifically, the legislation would authorize the Secretary of Defense to issue a service medal, to be known as the Cold War Service Medal, to those who performed active duty or inactive duty training as an enlisted member or commissioned officer during the Cold War. For the purpose of the Act, the Cold War would be determined as the period beginning on September 2, 1945 and ending December 26, 1991.

Senator Clinton and Representative Andrews first introduced the Cold War Medal Act during the 108th Congress and reintroduced the bill during the 109th Congress.

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