
Friday, April 13, 2007

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Anthony Teolis fellow 528th USAAG Veteran and Webmaster of
sent this to me today. Some good articles and website if your in DC area
you might want to check them out or visit their website.

Dear Veterans and Friends,

Kudos to Kevin McCarron for speaking up in Connections
Newspapers in response to President Bush's recent
visit to the Fairfax American Legion. Thanks also to
Lauren Glendenning, Reporter-Fairfax/Burke Connection
Newspapers. She reached out to Veterans For Peace for
a response.

Don't forget tomorrow's monthly Veterans For Peace
April 14, 1-3 PM
Peace House
1233 12th St NW, Washington, DC 20005-4305

If you want to help out please consider joining
Veterans For Peace. We need help planning and joining
public demonstrations, participating in public events,
writing letters to congress people and media, public
speaking, website design, etc.

40 Years Ago - Martin Luther King said, “This madness
must cease.”
April 4, 1967, Martin Luther King made a speech at
Riverside Church in New York City. King understood
the death and destruction the United States was
causing in Vietnam was poisoning America's soul. "Now
it should be incandescently clear that no one who has
concern for the integrity and life of America today
can ignore the present war." This is no less true in
Iraq. Read and listen to Riverside Church Speech.

Veterans For Peace Chapter 16 is profiled in March
28th's Washington Post. Chapter Vice President
Michael Marceau is featured in a profile alongside a
pro war veteran. "Seeds Planted in Vietnam Flourish
in Activism on Iraq."

VFP DC letter to the editor March 27 to Connection

Best regards,

Tony Teolis
Veterans For Peace Chapter 16

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