
Thursday, July 05, 2007

The Cold War Song

From 1945 to 1991 the United States Of America and Her Allies held communism
at bay During those 46 years veterans served the cause of peace and freedom well
Yes! America got it right. We did not get it wrong. The big Berlin Wall &
the mighty USSR both fell

That's why we call this patriotic-story-in-music The Cold War Song. May we
honor Cold War Veterans

The army, navy, air force and the marines all have Red, White, and Blue in
their genes. The blood of freedom flows in their veins. And their voices shout, "evil
dictators throw away the chains"

We Americans know what liberty means. Democracy means independence, not
falling apart at the seams

"Thank you God for the free human spirit." Still alive is The Great American

I pledge my allegiance to the American flag and to the United States of

Terrorists, dictators and evil empires all come and go, It's true, as we all
know Peace and freedom will prevail. Come what may, patriotic Americans should
say "God bless America." And let us also say, "may all nations unite in peace &
freedom. May all nations come together, to liberty we belong" let us all recite the
words of this ColdWar Song

The army, navy, air force and the marines all have Red, White, and Blue in
their genes

The blood of freedom flows in their viens. And their voices shout, "evil
tyrants throwaway the chains"

We Americans know what liberty means. Democracy means independence, not
falling apart at the seams

Our God given free spirit is still alive. Let's thank God for our great
American Dream

America is still alive and well, for centuries to come, it would seem
"Thank you God for giving us the great American Dream."

Copyright 2005, Wendell Austin
Peace & Freedom Music
348 RT 2 Winn, Maine 04495

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