
Sunday, July 15, 2007

Dear Members of the Senate,

Please vote to include Senate Amendment (SA) 2163, which calls for a Cold War Service Medal, into H.R. 1585 (the 2008 NDAA). The Senate is currently working on its version of H.R. 1585 and is considering a variety of amendments. Representing a bipartisan effort, SA 2163 was submitted by Senator Hillary Clinton (on behalf of herself and Senator Susan Collins) as part of ongoing efforts to properly recognize honorable military service during the Cold War.

As you are aware already, H.R.1585 was passed by the House of Representatives on May 17, and includes SEC 556 (Cold War Victory Medal). AMVETS, the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Reserve Officers Association, the Korea Defense Veterans of America, and the Cold War Veterans Association all support authorization of a Cold War Medal.

Your support of a Cold War Medal provision in the 2008 NDAA is fully expected. I thank you in advance for your YES vote on SA 2163, and will always appreciate your cooperation in including a Cold War Medal provision as part of the final H.R.1585 defense bill.

Best Wishes,

Sean P. Eagan
Northeast Zone Director
Cold War Veterans Association
CWVA NY 716-708-6416
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