
Thursday, August 23, 2007

From the KDVA Morning Report: KDVA's statement of overwhelming support and endorsement of the ACWV.

21 AUG 07

Frank Tims, Legislative Director, of the new American Cold War Veterans announced this new veterans organization. They are not affiliated with Vince Milum's Cold War Veterans Association, and are a distinct new organization. He stated they are growing pretty fast and many former CWVA members and former CWVA leaders are moving over to the new ACWV. Their founding meeting took place at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library in Independence, MO on 18 August 2007. The founding meeting was well attended with most participants from outside the state of Missouri.

The meeting's first order of business discussed keeping up the built up momentum on CWVM legislation. Tims noted he really believes it is going to happen this legislative cycle. The Cold War Victory Medal was passed by the House as SEC 556 of the National Defense Authorization Act (HR.1585). On the Senate side, S.1763, The Cold War Medal Act of 2007 introduced by Senator Clinton (read and referred to committee) and her amendment to the NDAA was filed (SA.2163, to authorize a service medal for those who served in the Cold War). SA.2163 was cosponsored by Senator Susan Collins and Senator Blanche Lincoln, and thus has bipartisan support. When HR.1585 is taken up again in the Senate (September), SA.2163 will be considered. Because the ACWV considers SA.2163 a "must pass" amendment, they are asking everyone to get their two senators to cosponsor it.

They require a commitment of "Strong support" in the form of cosponsorship as the KDVA had with the KDSM. The boiler plate response of "keeping your views in mind" is not good enough. If the ACWV can get SA.2163 into the floor managers package of amendments it should ease passage. Strong support in the Senate will protect it during House-Senate conference. Even without the Clinton amendment, the Cold War Victory Medal must be considered in combined House/Senate conference this fall. Appeals to protect the Cold War Victory Medal in conference are being made to the committee chairmen, but the Clinton amendment will give the ACWV a much stronger case.

Tims has met with Brian Walsh of Senator Martinez' (FL) staff, and Monica Thurman of Bill Nelson's (FL) staff. Nelson has not committed to cosponsor, nor has Martinez, despite a flood of letters. Walsh, who listened sympathetically, said he had read the CWVM materials sent to him but thought, "if it has been introduced since 1997, somebody at DOD must oppose it." Tims pointed out that there is a new SECDEF who he believed would approve it if he knew about it. The ACWV has yet to get Senator Martinez to commit.

The new organization has established a forum at for comments and as a means to provide important news and information. Those with interest in the CWVM are encouraged to visit and use this forum.

Frank Tims can be reached at 727-867-8137 or by Email at KDVA embraces the ACWV in this mission. We have taken this mission on as an official KDVA project and we created Resolution No. 22, Award a Cold War Victory Medal, in support. KDVA Chief of Staff, Charles Pepin, is leading this project and is our liasion to the ACWV. He can be contacted at 954-981-3690 or at . All are encouraged to read this resolution and become familiar with its points. A copy for downloading is available and we encourage all eligible veterans to send copies to their U.S. Senators with a request that they support and sponsor Senate bill SA 2163.

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