
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Letter from Navy S.V.A.


Mel Ramige, National Secretary
Navy S.V.A.
555 Fairview Ave.
Creve Coeur, IL 61610-3237 Ph:


Jerald Terwilliger

Assistant National Director/Maine State Rep.
American Cold War Veterans
307 Preble St.
South Portland, ME 04106 Ph:

Subject: Cold War Victory Service Medal

This is in reply to your e-mail message dated August 4, 2007, to me, informing the Navy S.V.A. of your Organization as a very new VSO and the upcoming organizational meeting to be held on August 18, 2007 at 10:00 AM in the President Harry Truman Library, Independence, MO, and requesting a representative from the Navy S.V.A. to be present at this meeting.

This was discussed during the business session of our National Convention recently held in Covington, KY on August 8-12, 2007, and the overwhelming consensus of the Delegates at our meeting agreed that we would support your effort to have Congress authorize and DOD to issue a Cold War Victory/Service Medal. Our Members are urged to contact their elected Representatives in Congress to thank them for passing HR 1585 the NDAA 2008 and to contact their 2 Senators from their State to urge them to vote for SB 1976 and S.Amd 2176 to authorize a Cold War Service Medal.

Unfortunately, no one of our Organization had an open schedule that would allow them to attend your meeting on August 18, 2007. We are anxious to be kept informed of the proceedings that take place at this meeting and to keep us on the mailing list for future events of the American Cold War Veterans.

We look forward to a future good relationship.


Mel Ramige, National Secretary
Navy S.V.A.
Copy to:
Dave Buchanan, National Commander

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