
Friday, August 24, 2007

Senator Clinton Vows to Fight for Cold War Medal at V.F.W. National Convention in K.C.

Excerpt of whole transcript at Huffington Post:

Sen. Clinton

"And let's not forget that the war on terror, like the Cold War, is fundamentally a battle over ideas and values. I'm fighting for a Cold War medal for everyone who served our country during the Cold War, because you were on the front lines of battling communism.

Well, now we're on the front lines of battling terrorism, extremism, and we have to win. Our commitment to freedom, to tolerance, to economic opportunity has inspired people around the world. They're not just what we fight for. They can be our most powerful weapons in this fight.

I want to get back to a point where people respect and admire the United States again, not just because that would be a good thing, but because that's critical in our fight against terrorism."

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