
Monday, November 26, 2007

Letter Saxby Chambliss

Dear Mr. Ives :

Thank you for writing me regarding the fiscal year 2008 National
Defense Authorization Act (FY08 NDAA). It is good to hear from you.

As you know, the Senate passed its version of the NDAA on October 1,
2007. There are distinct differences in the version that was passed by
the Senate and the version that passed the House of Representatives.
As the bill goes through the conference process, I will keep your
comments in mind and work with my colleagues to ensure that the final
bill is as fair as possible for all who wear and have worn the uniform.

There is no higher priority than caring for our servicemen and women
who proudly serve our great Nation. I am deeply committed to promoting
the well being of our troops who serve our country to preserve our
freedom and way of life, and will make certain that their concerns are
given the highest priority in Congress.

As always, I appreciate hearing from you. Please do not hesitate to
contact me if I can be of assistance to you in the future. In the
meantime, if you would like to receive timely e-mail alerts regarding
the latest congressional actions and my weekly e-newsletter, please
sign up via my web site at: .

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