
Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Despite valiant efforts by veterans groups and their advocates, the National Defense Authorization Act for 2008 was reported out by the House-Senate Conference, without a provision for a Cold War Victory Medal. The stripping out of the Cold War Victory Medal was attributed to opposition from the Department of Defense on grounds of cost and duplication of recognition (two points we strongly dispute), and insufficient support in the conference to override these objections. Nonetheless, we are grateful to those legislators who supported a Cold War Medal, especially Representative Robert Andrews of New Jersey, and Senators Clinton, Collins, and Lincoln.
The text of DoD's objection to the medal will be posted on this web site and our discussion forum, along with our response to these objections (click on "Discussion Forum" to view these documents.)

We are prepared to fight this battle in the 2009 Authorization Act as it comes up for mark-up in the House and Senate Armed Services Committees next spring. Senator Clinton has already introduced S.1763, the Cold War Medal Act of 2007. Our next tasks are (1) to get cosponsors for S.1763, and (2) to continue to tell the story of the Cold War, its significance, and America's forgotten heroes from the MOST forgotten war.

Senator Listings

November 16, 2007 - ACWV Associate Membership Director Scott L'Ecuyer meets with Former President Bill Clinton during a presidential campaign event for Senator Hillary Clinton. Scott spoke to President Clinton about the Cold War Medal legislation, and asked his help in getting it passed.

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