
Tuesday, December 04, 2007

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IRS 501(c)(19) rules challenging Veterans Organizations

This article was released in the American Legion National update. I fear this will be the way it is for ALL veterans organizations... so I thought we should be aware of this.

Also, at a recent American Legion district meeting, it was discussed that there is apparently a movement underway in congress that any member of any federally chartered veterans organization who is not "a member in good standing" with a veterans organization (i.e. annual dues not paid up by before Jan 1st), will not only have to be removed from that organizations rolls as a current member, but will also affect their ability to be eligible or remain eligible for VA care, or drop them down in the priority list for VA care. I don't understand the mechanics or the justification being used for such an action, and it was not clear how this might affect veterans who don't belong to ANY federally chartered veterans organization, but if this is true, it's another hit on veterans.

I equate such an action with the silencing of a vast veteran voting population, sort of a blackmail or "ethnic cleansing" - decrease the veteran population eligible to be heard as a voice & for VA treatment, in order to lessen the veterans & representative organizations ability to impact Congress & the military & VA budgets by reduction of those eligible to both be spoken for & be treated... that's how it came across to me when I heard about this.

If anyone has information about this alleged sneak attack on veterans, please, pass along the information, and also make sure that this is being reviewed, researched & very vocally spoken out against!

Steph McCalister

1 comment:

  1. I'm a veteran also. I recently noticed on my bills I'm being charged every time now I go to behavior health although they haven't really had anyone for me to "see" for over a year. Only checking on my meds. I can't believe how much I'm being charged especially since I haven't worked in 3 yrs!! I have noticed slowly my va benefits either slipping away or being charged where I couldn't pay for them. I too served during the Cold War, Granada and Libya. I still don't understand how civilian workers can get on our AF base here, but I can't because I'm not a retired vet (got ill before I could continue after 6yrs.). The VA is the only way I can afford healthcare. It's scary loosing more benefits. It's even worse not being able to get on the base!!


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