
Monday, December 10, 2007

Please sign the VFW giant Christmas card 4 Wounded Troops

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Thank you again for signing the VFW's giant Christmas card for our wounded troops at the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital in Tampa, Florida.

A VFW volunteer will deliver the giant Christmas card to these brave men and women to let them know that we have not forgotten them and we are deeply grateful for their sacrifices.

Every signature means so much. Last year, we had more than 20,000 patriotic Americans sign our Christmas card for the wounded heroes at Brooke Army Medical Center in Texas. This year we are hoping for 25,000 signatures.

So please forward this email to your friends and family so we can deliver the biggest Christmas card ever and show our heroes that we haven't forgotten them.

Thank you for all your help.

And Merry Christmas!

Click here to sign the card:

X-mas Card for the Troops

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