
Monday, January 07, 2008

Long Island Recognizes Cold War Veterans



Suffolk Legislature Adopts Real Property Tax Exemption for Cold War Veterans

Hauppauge- Recently, December 3, 2007, Suffolk County Legislator Wayne Horsley, and his legislative colleagues, passed the Cold War Property Tax Exemption bill to recognize the sacrifices made by veterans in defense of our nation. Legislator Horsley co-sponsored the resolution, which will grant up to a 15% property tax exemption for Cold War Veterans.

Horsley stated, “Suffolk County recognizes the dedication and sacrifices of its military members and is proud to honor our Cold War Veterans. It is my hope that all Suffolk County Cold War Vets will take advantage of this opportunity for real property tax relief.” Horsley continued, “The ability of Suffolk County to provide property tax relief is a token of the esteem and appreciation we hold for those who have served our country with honor and bravery.”

Keith Logan, a U.S. Air Force Cold War Veteran (1976-1980) said, my sincere thanks to Legislator Horsley and the Suffolk County Legislature for passing the Cold War Veterans Property Tax Exemption Bill. The County Legislature’s efforts to recognize Cold War Veterans are a welcome measure of relief, and an appreciated gesture of recognition for Cold War Veterans across Long Island.”

Eligible Cold War Veterans are defined as any person who served on active duty for a period of more than 365 days in the U. S. Armed Forces during the time period form September 2, 1945 to December 26, 1991 and was honorably discharged, or was awarded the Cold War Recognition Certificate.

The amount of property tax relief assessed is based upon the assessed valuation of the primary residence of the Cold war Veteran similar to veterans who served our country in other wars. The maximum exemption allowable to qualifying residential real property is 15% of the assessed real value of the property; provided, however that such exemption shall not exceed $12,000 or the product of $12,000 multiplied by the latest State Equalization rate of the assessing unit, or in the case of a special assessing unit, the latest class ratio, whichever is less. The exemption provided under this legislation shall be granted for a period of ten years.

The Cold War Veterans tax deduction will first appear on the December 2008 tax bill. Eligible residents will need to apply at their local Town and/or Village Assessor’s office to obtain it. Required documentation includes the Cold War certificate, DD-214, a driver’s license or other valid ID, and the deed to the property if recently purchased. Questions regarding this exemption can be answered by the Babylon Town Assessor’s office (631) 857-3014.

For more information contact my office at (631) 854-1100, or to learn more about Cold War Veterans visit The Cold War Veterans Blog @

press release

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