
Friday, January 11, 2008

Obama on Cold War Medal

I purposely avoid talking about Presidential Election as we really do not want to alienate anyone here it tends to interfere with our agenda and is counter productive. For the record on Obama, know the following:

This week I was contacted by Obama's National Headquarters in Chicago I should receive his official Position on a Executive order this week we also should find out if he is signing on as a cosponsor to S.1097 .

I will say Obama's campaign has given us assurances he will support a Cold War medal as recently as Monday.

John Edwards did say he will use excutive order to award a medal

We have contacted Ron Paul, Sen. McCain, and received little or no feed back and no promises from any of them.

I keep my Presidential preference to myself we are trying to layout facts as we know them on all candidates position.

Sean P. Eagan
ACWV Public Affairs Director

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