
Sunday, January 27, 2008

State Rep. Robert E. Belfanti Jr., D-Montour County, reminds veterans they are eligible for a Cold War Recognition Certificate.


News for veterans

LUZERNE COUNTY: State Rep. Robert E. Belfanti Jr., D-Montour County, reminds veterans of the U.S. military and some civilian employees of the U.S. government who served during the Cold War (Sept. 2, 1945 to Dec. 26, 1991) that they are eligible for a Cold War Recognition Certificate.

As part of the 1998 National Defense Authorization Act, Congress authorized the Department of Defense to award a Cold War Recognition Certificate to honor U.S. military personnel and civilian employees who served the nation during the Cold War.

Anyone who served in either a military or civilian capacity with the War, Navy or Defense departments is eligible. Eligible military and civilian personnel can receive the certificate free of charge. Relatives of deceased military and civilian employees of the U.S. government can apply on their behalf.

Details about how to request a certificate and what supporting documentation is needed are available on Belfanti's legislative Web site at

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