
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

GI Film Festival Announces Festival Line-up!



GI Film Festival Announces Festival Line-up!

The GI Film Festival is back and bigger than ever! We’ve got more films, more stars, more media partners, more panels, and more parties this year! Here’s a quick summary of what we have planned.

  • Film screenings presented by award-winning Hollywood actors and directors. Scheduled presenters include: Gary Sinise Robert Duvall, James Franco, Ron Maxwell, and Lou Reda to name a few.

  • 25 military film premiers featuring the work of promising new filmmakers.

  • A congressional reception honoring members of Congress who served in the military.

  • The presentation of the “Corporate Patriot Award,” to World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) for the company’s philanthropic work on behalf of the American Armed Forces.

  • “WWE Action Day” at Bolling Air Force Base featuring a WWE autograph session with Mr. Kennedy and a special presentation by Buck Rogers television actor Gil Gerard.

  • Panel discussions, including The 100 Greatest War Films of All-Time, War Stories, The Portrayal of GIs in Film and the Media, and Faith in the Foxhole.

  • VIP after parties featuring celebrities, top military brass, and filmmakers.

  • A three-day, onsite exhibit where visitors can learn about veteran service organizations.

  • Special appearances by: Dale Dye, James McEachin, Karri Turner, Leeann Tweeden, General Richard Myers, General George Casey, General Richard Cody, The Honorable Dan Glickman, and many more.

Not sold yet? Check out our films and trailers and you will be. We’ve got a fantastic line-up. And with tickets starting at only $5 you can’t lose!

(Note: If you are visiting the festival from outside the Washington , DC area, please make your hotel reservations now! Graduation season and Police Week are taking place during the festival, and hotels are becoming a rare commodity!)

3 Ways To Help Make The GI Film Festival 2008 A HUGE Success

The GI Film Festival is the first and only film festival dedicated to our men and women in uniform. If you want to make sure this festival stays on the cultural landscape, here are three things you can do to help:

Buy Your Ticket. Click here to see the festival line-up, pick your favorite flicks and click to buy your ticket. It’s simple. Ticket prices range from $5 all the way up to our deluxe VIP pass, which includes access to all of our celebrity receptions, for $300.

2. Send a Donation: The GI Film Festival is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and we depend on the generosity of sponsors and donors to make this festival possible. You can click here to make a secure online donation. Or please send a check to: GI Film Festival, 2776 South Arlington Mill Drive , 810, Arlington , VA 22206 . Your generosity is so much appreciated!

Spread the Word: Forward this email blast to at least five friends you feel would be interested in the GI Film Festival.

“At such a crucial time in our history, it is vital to portray our military as they really are; brave, selfless, hard working men and women who pay our price for freedom. I support the GI Film Festival because patriotism is still important celebrated there. Our military deserves respect and honor and this festival strives to supply us with films that do just that.” – Former JAG star Karri Turner

Leadership Institute Announces Documentary Workshop May 16

Learn how to craft, produce, and distribute professional documentaries at the Leadership Institute’s (LI) Documentary Workshop, to be held May 16, 2008 in Arlington, Virginia . Industry experts from around the country come to lecture at this one-day workshop, held at LI’s Arlington , VA headquarters to teach you:

· How to budget and fund your documentary

· Copyright issues and media law

· Storytelling and message crafting

· Technical aspects of good production

· Promotion, publicity, and distribution

For more information, visit or email Jane King at

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