
Monday, May 05, 2008

After Action Report D.C.


April 30th kicked off with productive meeting at the Best Western in Arlington Va. Speakers included Frank Tims, Jerald Terwillger, Scott L'ecuyer, Lloydene Hill, Sean Eagan each giving department reports. The Meeting started at noon and ran until 4 p.m.

On May 1st we gathered at the Hart Senate office building at 7:30 am. The Congressional breakfast was well attended with representatives from ROA, VFW, Cuban Missile Crises Veterans, USS Liberty Association, U.S. Army, Coalition of Families of Korean & Cold War POW/MIA, as well as congressional staff. The breakfast was highlighted by Congressman Joe Wilson (R) SC 2nd district who spoke eloquently about the sacrifices made by Americans to win the Cold War and how appropriate it was to remember this on the anniversary of the old communist party worker holiday. The Breakfast wrapped up with Col. David Griffith presenting Dr.Tims with a Freedom Team Salute Commendation for his efforts to bring respect, recognition and awareness to veterans of the Cold War era as well as embodiment or core Army values.

The group assembled again in the lobby to visit their elected officials in force. We are still waiting for confirmation of additional Co-sponsors of S.1097.

The day concluded with a Memorial Ceremony at Sec. 34 of Arlington National Cemetery. The service was conducted by Chaplain Dr. David Clevenger, Ernie Gallo U.S.S. Liberty survivor spoke, Carson Long Academy provided the color guard and bugle for taps. The group placed flowers on individual grave sites to conclude the day.

it was a very successful trip to Washington D.C. this year.

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