
Friday, May 16, 2008

Do you know who this Marine is?

If you don't, his name is Ssgt Tim Chambers of The United States Marine Corps.


If you do know Ssgt. Chambers then you know he is the Marine who stands at attention and salutes the riders in Rolling Thunders "Ride For Freedom" every year as they enter the nations capital. He stands like this for hours and he does it for one reason only. To pay respect to the riders who are standing up for his brothers and sister in arms all over the world. He has become an American Icon and a living symbol of respect and honor. Now, Ssgt. Chambers needs OUR help.

Please click on his image (above) and go directly to his page to find out how you can help be a part of his noble and honorable mission to honor those who are paying for our freedom with everything they have. No amount of help is too small. If all you can do is to forward this , we are grateful.

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