
Sunday, May 18, 2008

Letter from Guest,

What the press has not known and Dan's father hasn't told is that every graduation at Bloomer high school includes time for the American Legion award ceremony where awards for citizenship are given. During that time, each graduate who has chosen military service is given recognition for their sacrifice and I can tell you that often we have 10 or more students from a class of 100 who have chosen to serve their country. They are roundly applauded for their career choice by those in attendance. Dan's father made a statement to the board that his son was different because he had finished his basic training. I think all our graduates who have chosen Military service should be honored, not just those who have finished basic. In our small town as in many, academic achievement is hard for some of our students, and we feel Graduation night is the one night to honor the struggles to educational success fo the entire class. This is not a case of a student wish,in fact his father has said his son would not like the fuss he has made, so by your definition, Dan's father is the liberal,whiny guy. Dan himself has not asked the board of education for this exemption, he has accepted that the uniform of the day is cap & gown, his father has not. No one has asked the father if he served in the military, (I doubt it). I am the daughter of a career Navy man, I have taken an oath to uphold the constitution and my heart, along with many of my fellow citizens in Bloomer has been broken at the hateful and horrid thing we have been accused of. I support my country, I appreciate those who have gone into military service to protect my rights, and I am saddened by how quickly those who have fought for the freedoms have condemned a town that consistently provides its young men and women to the service of our country. Each and every year we have many of our graduates join the military as you can see often 10%. how many towns can say that? So I hope you will try to understand.


Dear Guest,

Thank you so very much for visiting our forum and giving us a opinion from Bloomer WI. I think that is great that The Bloomer American Legion and school district recognizes students at graduation.

I would like to give you some insight as to why this story has spread like a virus across the Internet.

The adversarial relationship academia has shown in general towards the Military by banning them from campuses all across the country. The very men who protect their rights to precious free speech are called baby killers etc.

Faculty pushing their political agenda like at the University of Maine allowing the laying of American flags on the ground in the student union. This attitude that is pervasive in the educational system outrages most veterans so a story like this seems just like another assault on military service.

This is why this caught on like it did. The sensitivity on many Americans part to issues like this is totally understandable. We expect it at Berkley but Bloomer Wisconsin?

Thanks for giving us the specifics on this case but its not a attack on Bloomer but more a reaction in general to some attitudes that have existed in our Public schools and Universities in general.

Forget the specifics of this case I hope the young man can wear whatever he pleases to graduation. Any student who is the service should absolutely have the right to wear that uniform if he or she wishes to any formal school function.

Thanks again for the insights on this story and I am sorry it has blown up so much. No one thinks any less of the good folks of Bloomer I am sure they are very proud of their current and former service members.

Sean P. Eagan
ACWV Public Affairs Director

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