
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Gi Bill update Senate passes Bill 75-22

Dear Sean,

Today marked another historic vote on the GI Bill. After last week's remarkable victory in the House of Representatives, today the bill passed the Senate by an overwhelming vote of 75-22. Click here to see who voted for it and who voted against it.

To celebrate this accomplishment, can you take a minute and recruit 5 of your friends to join IAVA?

After World War Two, America made sure our troops coming home had the chance to go to college. Today, with Memorial Day just around the corner, our lawmakers renewed that promise and honored those who bravely serve this country.

The GI Bill now has one final hurdle to pass: the President's signature. In this crucial stage, let's make IAVA's voice even stronger and make sure the President signs this bill into law. To celebrate the passing of the GI Bill in the Senate, can you take a minute to ask 5 of your friends to join IAVA?

Click here to recruit 5 of your friends and let them know how important it is to become an IAVA supporter.

As the GI Bill has made its way through the complex legislative process on Capitol Hill, you have continued to answer our calls for action. We would never have made it this far without your dedication, and I am truly grateful.

Sign up 5 of your friends now and keep the pressure on Washington, DC to get the GI Bill passed this year.

Thank you for your continued support.

Paul Rieckhoff
Iraq Veteran
Executive Director
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America

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