
Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Dear Sean,

The House of Representatives faces a historic choice tomorrow when it votes on whether or not to pass the New GI Bill. This vote decides whether our nation will honor its newest generation of veterans and invest in the future of the men and women who have been serving in harm's way. We need your help today.

At this crucial point in the process, please take a minute to call your representative in the House and tell them to vote for the New GI Bill.

Click here to find your representative's contact information. We've included talking points below that you can use on the call.

Thanks to IAVA supporters like you, the momentum for a 21st Century GI Bill has been incredible. The widespread support among lawmakers on both sides of the aisle proves that caring for our nation's veterans is not a partisan issue. However, we still need your help before tomorrow's vote.

Your representative will decide whether or not the New GI Bill is funded. Please take a minute today to call him or her and make sure they vote in favor of the New GI Bill. You can use the talking points below.

Click here to find your representative's contact information. After you do, please take a minute to let us know how the call went by clicking here.

It's time we give our troops the benefits they deserve. Thank you for making your voice heard.
Paul Rieckhoff
Iraq Veteran
Executive Director
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America
Talking Points

Good morning / evening.
My name is (your name) and I'm calling from (city/town).

Tomorrow, there is a vote in the House to fund the New GI Bill. I stand with Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America in supporting a new, World War II-style GI Bill for our newest generation of veterans. Please vote in favor of the New GI Bill tomorrow and help send our returning troops to college. Thank you.

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