
Monday, May 26, 2008

National Memorial Day Parade a National Disgrace

Last Thursday I was going through my email inbox and wading through the spam when I came to a email from a old Army buddy Anthony Teolis asking for help. Tony and I served in a artillery unit together during Desert Storm and have kept in touch now some 18 years after.

When I read the contents of the email I was very upset at his and fellow Veterans for Peace Chapter 16 members plight. On April 15th VFP received a letter from American Veterans Center admitting them into the 2008 National Memorial Day Parade. Inexplicably one week later the AVC reversed themselves and are now forbidding VFP participation in the event.

How could this be? veterans denying veterans the right they have earned to march in a National Parade.

I sat reading the text in disbelief this must be a mistake how can a 501c 3 non profit that is using public grounds and police forces discriminate against these veterans.

Is it possible the main sponsors Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, The Ross Perot Foundation and the US Army put pressure on the AVC to exclude VFP because of political differences?

Memorial Day is a solemn event to recognize those who made the ultimate sacrifice for this country it is not to be politicized. It belongs to all Americans not people of one political ilk over another.

Not allowing VFP to march on Memorial day with the thousands of other Veterans across this country is a national disgrace in my opinion.

These men have earned the right to march on Memorial day. They fought to protect your rights now lets protect theirs. Next Year let them march!

Sean Eagan

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