
Sunday, July 31, 2011

IAVA on Debt Debate Effecting Veterans

Dear Sean,

Reports out of Washington on the debt debate continue to be conflicted as negotiations go down to the wire.

Some IAVA members have told us their VA checks for August have arrived. Meanwhile, Admiral Mullen told troops in Afghanistan yesterday that August 15th would be the first DoD payday jeopardized. But we have yet to get assurances from Washington that troops and veterans are a top priority in the debt talks, or real answers about how a potential default will ultimately affect military pay, GI Bill benefits, disability payments and more.

Last week, IAVA sat down with the White House to voice the concerns of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans and their families. We also testified before Congress and met with both Republican and Democratic leaders, urging them to find a solution that would protect our troops and vets.

We've also taken your calls and read your emails -- we know this situation is causing anxiety and anger throughout our community. No service member on patrol in Iraq or Afghanistan should have to worry about a paycheck to support their family back home. And no vet or caregiver should have to worry about suddenly losing disability benefits.

So with the debt deadline looming, IAVA is continuing to push the White House, Congress, the Pentagon and VA to ensure our troops and vets aren't used as a political prop in Washington.

We're committed to making sure you get the most up-to-date information too. For the latest news on the situation and links to contingency resources, click here to follow IAVA on Facebook and Twitter.

Like most Americans, IAVA members have been disappointed by the lack of real leadership on both sides of the aisle during this debate. Our troops and veterans have sacrificed enough during these two wars. They shouldn't have to sacrifice more because Washington can't work together to get the job done.



Paul Rieckhoff
Founder and Executive Director
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA)

P.S. Make sure to watch my testimony before the Senate last week on the lifetime costs of care for veterans and the impact of default for our community.

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