
Thursday, July 07, 2011

A Message from DAV

Dear Sean,

The Incredible Cost of Our Independence!
Wounded in Afghanistan, Todd Hammond will pay the price of America's independence for the rest of his life.

Your gift of $25, $50, $100 or more now will help veterans like this Navy hero recapture their personal independence!

I hope you had a great Fourth of July with picnics, parades and family celebrations!

And I hope you were able to take a moment to remember all the veterans who sacrificed to preserve the independence that our forefathers proclaimed on July 4, 1776.

One look at Todd Hammond, pictured here with his wife and daughter, tells the tale of the terrible price our heroes pay to protect America, its freedom, and its way of life.

Todd gave so much for you and me. He'll pay the cost of freedom for the rest of his life. After fighting the Taliban, this brave sailor is now fighting to rebuild his personal Independence.

You're there for Todd and his family each time you to make a donation to help all of our disabled veterans.

Through the DAV, you provide a wide-ranging network of concrete, down-to-earth programs that really help veterans whose lives are overshadowed by disability.
You create a new Independence Day each time you give $25 … $50 … $100 or more to help a disabled veteran find new personal freedom!

Rebuilding the Independence of Heroes!

Arthur H. Wilson, National Adjutant
Disabled American Veterans

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