
Friday, July 15, 2011

Rep. Steve Israel Announces the Introduction of Legislation to Honor Cold War Veteran

Bill would create a Cold War Service Medal 

Washington, DC— On Friday, Rep. Steve Israel (D – Huntington) announced the introduction of legislation to honor U.S. veterans who served during the Cold War. The Cold War Service Medal Act of 2011 (H.R. 1968) creates a new military medal for Cold War veterans. 

"Our Cold War Veterans served during a time of high tension and great hazard. They maintained and defended missile silos and checkpoints. They served on remote B-52 bomber bases and storm-tossed Navy ships. And when they returned, there were no parades, no public thanks, they simply went quietly back to their jobs," said Rep. Israel. "It's time to say thank you to those veterans who kept the peace while facing the threat of nuclear catastrophe."

"On behalf of the Cold War Veterans Association (CWVA) (, I would like to personally commend Rep. Israel for sponsoring the Cold War Service Medal Act," said Vince Milum, Chairman of the Cold War Veterans Association. "The men and women who served in the United States military from the period September 2, 1945 to December 26, 1991, were vanguards in the struggle for universal human rights.  By sponsoring this act, Rep. Israel has demonstrated his appreciation for the contribution of America's armed forces in winning hearts and minds to the cause of liberty.  We cannot thank Rep. Israel enough."

Rep. Israel's legislation creates the Cold War Service Medal, to be issued to members of the U.S. Armed Forces who were honorably discharged after having served on active duty for at least 24 consecutive months during the Cold War (September 2, 1945, through December 26, 1991), deployed outside the continental United States for at least 30 days during such period, or performed other Cold War service as the Secretary of Defense may prescribe.

The Cold War Service Medal Act has bipartisan support and was introduced in the United States Senate by Senator Olympia Snowe (R – Maine).

Last March, Rep. Israel's resolution honoring Cold War Veterans was passed in the House of Representatives.

Rep. Israel has been an advocate for local veterans, securing more than $4.5 million in overdue payments for Long Island veterans, supporting improvements for veterans health care and veterans benefits and introducing legislation to help homeless veterans.

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