
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Veterans United Connect Launches New Facebook App

Veterans United Connect is launching a new application that will help network a already tight-knit internet veteran community.

Anything that helps vets reunite and band together as a political force sounds like a great idea to me. I for one cannot wait to give it a try. Vets finally will now have a app to harness the networking potential of FB. Below is a guest post from veterans united that will give you a more detailed run down of what to look forward too. I will run some screen shots of it ASAP.

Sean P Eagan

Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

For many service members, a permanent change of station feels can feel like a permanent change in friends.

Quick goodbyes and the promises to keep in touch sometimes fade as the busy military lifestyle picks up in a new location.

In more recent years, social media have made it easier to keep in touch with friends over long distances. But, unfortunately, finding old friends after the fact still proves to be difficult for scores of veterans and military spouses.

A new, free Facebook application was created to change that and make reconnecting and communication with old military friends easier than ever.

The new app, Veterans United Connect, aims to solve the problem by connecting veterans and their families with other service members based on when and where they served together.

Reconnect With Old Friends

Traditional social media makes tracking down veterans with common names living in big cities incredibly difficult.

By imputing information such as branch, base, service span and separation date, the Veterans United Connect app generates friend suggestions for veterans and families who served at the same time and place as the user.

A simple interface makes it easier than ever to reconnect, share stories and photos and get active in the military community even after you've left the base.

Community Connections

Veterans United Connect is not just for reconnecting with old friends. Active duty service members and their families are also using it to forge new connections at future bases.

If you're faced with a PCS to a base you've never visited before, use the app to ask questions about housing, schools and lifestyle and get answers from people already living there.

This opportunity to recognize a friendly face or two on moving day will make the bonds in the military community even stronger and long lasting.

A pilot version released in 2009 attracted a large following and was featured in Stars & Stripes. The new version of Veterans United Connect has received a significant makeover, which means it more matches service members and their families.

The app is completely free thanks to a sponsorship from Veterans United, the nation's leading dedicated VA lender. It takes just two minutes to sign up.

Veterans United Connect officially re-launches July 25. App developers expect it to have more than 500,000 users by the end of the year.

Sean P Eagan Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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