
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

CWP sits down with US Senator Mark Udall from Colorado

Dear Sean
You, a family member or a friend, are among the 700,000 Americans who worked in our country's nuclear weapons complex and uranium industry to keep America free. Too often, that secret work and the sacrifices involved is overlooked or forgotten. 
Recently, Cold War Patriots sat down with US Senator Mark Udall from Colorado, who answered questions and spoke to the needs of former workers from across the country—from uranium miners, millers, and transporters, to workers at the nation's 350 nuclear weapons complex facilities. 
Please take a moment to review all or part of the following interview—we think you'll find it very worthwhile.
1.        How did Senator Udall become involved?
2.       Explain the Advisory Board legislation to oversee DOL.
3.        What can Cold War Patriots members do?
4.       What are the similarities between American and Japanese nuclear workers?
5.       What did you hope to accomplish by introducing the Charlie Wolf Act?
6.       Do you see the Charlie Wolf Act progressing in this congressional session?
7.       Tell us more about the RECA amendment legislation introduced by Tom Udall.
8.       Tell us about the National Day of Remembrance on October 30th.
Cold War Patriots is the nation's largest non-profit advocacy organization representing the interests of America's nuclear weapons workers.
Membership is free. You can join by going online to our website at, where you'll find additional resources to aide former workers and their families.  Or, simply call us toll-free at 1-888-903-8989.
We hope to do similar video interviews with other House and Senate members soon.  
Feel free to share this email with others.
Paul Mullens
Founding Member
Cold War Patriots Advisory Committee
Cold War Patriots • PO Box 18916 • Denver, CO 80218

Sean P Eagan

Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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