
Monday, August 15, 2011

DOD Honoring Korean War Vets on 60th Anniversary @


My name is Matthew Belliveau and I work with the Department of Defense 60th Anniversary of the Korean War Commemoration Committee. Our organization seeks to thank Veterans of the Korean War for their service and sacrifice. We complete this  goal by conducting events throughout the United States commemorating their service and providing Certificates of Appreciation to these individuals who made a great sacrifice to preserve the idea that "Freedom is not Free."

Our organization is looking to increase its scope and would like your organization's help. We were hoping that your website could post a link of our website within your website. We are posting a link to your website within our "Website Sponsors" page of our organizations site.

Thank you for your time,

Matthew Belliveau
Department of Defense
60th Anniversary of the Korean War
Commemoration Committee

Corrected website link

The correct link to  the website is

Matthew Belliveau

Matthew Belliveau
Department of Defense
60th Anniversary of the Korean War
Commemoration Committee

Sean P Eagan

Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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