
Friday, August 19, 2011

VFW Funeral Ritual Banned in Houston, Texas !!!!!!!!

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Watch NEW Video: Response to Houston VA Ban on "God" at Funerals


For more than 20 years, VFW District 4 Honor Guard has performed the VFW burial ritual at the Houston National Cemetery. It was written and approved by the VFW National Council of Administration nearly 100 years ago.

The Houston National Cemetery Director has banned prayer and the word "God" from veterans' burials unless specifically requested by a grieving family.

Incredibly, she has also prohibited the VFW or the funeral homes from telling the families about the burial ritual or sharing the text of the ritual with them. It's an outrage!

The Liberty Institute, VFW and other veterans' service organizations have filed suit against the VA on the grounds of religious hostility and unlawful censorship. Your action is urgently needed to get the word out before the next court appearance, Monday, August 22, at 9:00 a.m.

The Liberty Institute just released a series of videos to set the record straight. The first video highlights the experiences of VFW Honor Guard members in the face of the VA ban. 



Please watch the video, share it with your friends and family and sign the petition to show your support.

We need to let every patriot know what's going on in Houston!

Thank you.

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Sean P Eagan

Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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