
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Miller: “Our VSOs Deserve the Real Credit in Bringing Veteran Unemployment to the Public’s Attention”

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, Rep. Jeff Miller, Chairman of the House
Committee on Veterans' Affairs, issued the following statement on the
passage of the VOW to Hire Heroes Act of 2011:

"After nearly a year of examining the rising veteran unemployment
rates and vigorous oversight of programs to help America's veterans
find meaningful employment, the House of Representatives
overwhelmingly passed a bipartisan compromise to get America's
veterans back to work.

"Using the framework of the VOW Act, the VOW to Hire Heroes Act
includes provisions from the House and the Senate to target the root
causes of the employment problems that our veterans face in today's
competitive job market. This landmark legislation is a major victory
for veterans and will help hundreds of thousands of veterans who are
currently unemployed.

"I would particularly like to express my gratitude to our Veterans
Service Organizations. They have been steadfast partners throughout
this process. Our VSOs deserve the real credit in bringing veteran
unemployment to the public's attention and getting this legislation
signed into law this year.

"We must not lose focus on this issue after this legislation becomes
law. Effective implementation and execution by the Administration is
essential. Today's victory is only the first step. I will continue to
champion this issue until we reach the final step when our veterans
are out of the unemployment lines and on the path to success."

To learn more about the VOW to Hire Heroes Act, click here.


RT @HouseVetsAffairs: Super #VOWAct to reduce #vets unemployment
passes House, goes to President. Learn more @ Veterans.House.Gov.

RT @houseVetsAffairs: Chairman @Jeff Miller thanks @AmericanLegion
@DAVHQ @PVA1946 @VFWHQ @MilitaryOfficer @AMVETSNational @IAVA 4
support of #VOW2HireHeroesAct

RT @HouseVetAffairs: Chairman @CongJeffMiller would like to thank
#HouseVets @RepStutzman @Repbuerkle @repcliffstearns @RepBillJohnson
@DrPhilRoe ...

RT @HouseVetAffairs: …@repgusbilirakis @repflores @repjeffdenham
@congressmandan @repstutzman @RepJonRunyan for support of #VOWAct to
help #vets find jobs!

For more news from the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs, please visit:


Sean P Eagan

Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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