
Thursday, November 10, 2011

PTSD Quarterly



RQ Vol. 22(3) Trauma and PTSD in Japan

Fran H. Norris, PhD

The PTSD Research Quarterly is a guide to the research literature on a particular topic. This issue is the third in a series on trauma and PTSD around the world.*


This Month's Feature: Honoring All of Our Veterans – Veterans Day 2011


Not all Veterans have seen war, but they share an oath in which they expressed their willingness to die defending this nation. We take this opportunity to express our humble thanks to all of those outstanding men and women who sacrificed for us and our country. For those Veterans who served, as well as for those who now serve in the Active Duty and Reserve Components, and each and every one of their family members, in both peacetime and in war… thank you.


True appreciation is better expressed in action. Do something in the next week to help a Veteran. Employers: consider hiring a Veteran; teachers: ask if children have parents that deployed to war, campus personnel: provide adult Veteran students some time to reintegrate into civilian life; primary care doctors: remember to ask your patients about trauma and screen for PTSD.earned over time from the sacrifices of Veterans who have come before. Community members all are stepping up, because as a whole, American society has l


This PTSD Monthly Update contains information that is pertinent across all era's of Veterans; from those who have recently served, to the largest group of Veterans we have, Vietnam Veterans, who along with all of us, are now aging.


Learn about trauma in our military including the unique effects of the Persian Gulf War, the mental health effects on our recently returning Service Members, military sexual trauma, and how older Veterans may develop symptoms later in life. If you or someone you know is a Veteran in need of help with symptoms that developed following war or other trauma, see Help for Veterans with PTSD, call VA's new program Coaching into Care, or talk to another Veteran on the 24/7 Veteran Combat Call Center: 1-877-927-8387 (WAR-VETS).


Although there are universal effects of trauma on all humans, individuals differ. These differences can lead to some special considerations. The era a Veteran served in, ethnicity, and trauma type can have some effect. View one of six different videos on specific considerations for women, Latino, African-American, Native American, Asian American and Pacific Islander Veterans.  


Research at NCPTSD

Check out our new web page on PTSD Research for Veterans and the general public. Learn why research is important and what to consider when thinking about participating in research. You can also search for ongoing studies around the country and find out about specific research being done at the National Center for PTSD.

For Providers

As you know, war involves more than combat. The effects of war also include casualty and death notification, military sexual trauma, and the impact of trauma on civilians. The National Center for PTSD provides you some specific information about treating Veterans, including the Iraq War Clinician Guide. Also included is treatment information on ethnic minority Veteransand Findings from the National Vietnam Veterans' Readjustment Study.


Learn more about the course of PTSD in older adults and the impact of aging on PTSD in the new PTSD 101 course: Aging and PTSD, or find out what we know about Resilience to Stress and Trauma.



VA Providers

The VA PTSD Consultation Program can now take calls from any VA staff member (or contractor being paid by VA to provide care) working with Veterans, providing free consultation on PTSD care.  Questions this week included consults about PTSD residential programs for different populations of Veterans, treating dissociative symptoms, and redesigning groups in PTSD clinics and in CBOCS.  We are working hard to provide information to the community of clinicians that are working even harder to help our Veterans.  No question is too simple or too complex! 

For a consult call 1-866-273-8255, email or submit the online form.

Teleconference Series on PTSD Consultation: Starting next year, VA staff can join a series of educational teleconferences based on what we have learned from questions previously posed by providers.  To sign up, contact 314-894-6648 x63334 or Starts January 2012: 3rd Tuesday of the month, 2-3 PM EST.

Other PTSD News

PTSD Coach App can help you learn about and manage symptoms that commonly occur after trauma. Free to download for iPhone and Android. It recently won a prestigious FCC Award for Advancement in Accessibility: Helping more people benefit from technology. Read more…





PTSD Materials for Printing can now be downloaded, along with printing instructions. Find a "What is PTSD" brochure or business sized tri-fold card to use at your next event, or Returning from the War Zone Guides, Understanding PTSD Treatment booklets, a Resource List for Providers, and more.


Finding the proper resources to help a Veteran or family member can be daunting. The National Resource Directory helps navigate through over 10,000+ resources on health, including mental health, as well as:

·         Benefits & Compensation

·         Education & Training

·         Employment

·         Family & Caregiver Support

·         Housing Assistance


4th Annual Trauma Spectrum Conference

Register now for this DoD/VA conference in Bethesda, MD, Dec. 8-9. Covers available resources and best practices for psychological health and TBI for those involved in health care, clinical practice and research for Service Members and Veterans.


Please encourage your colleagues and others to subscribe to this monthly listserv!



The Staff of the National Center for PTSD


*following previous issues on Latin America (Fall 2009) and the Middle East (Fall 2010)



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1. Send an email to LISTSERV@WWW.LISTSERV.VA.GOV with the words SIGNOFF NCPTSDANNOUNCE-L in the body of your message.

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Connect with Us  

Sean P Eagan

Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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