
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Support H.R. 2985: Veteran’s I.D. Card Act

Support H.R. 2985: Veteran's I.D. Card Act

Dear Rep. Brian Higgins:

I support H.R. 2985: Veteran's I.D. Card Act because...

it is time there is a ID denoting veteran status for discounts, local and state benefits. I have a ID because I am 100 percent SC P &T but before I had this status I would have liked a ID showing my veteran status. A ID that is recognized as a valid ID like a drivers license for veterans is long over due and it would not be linked to any particular benefits and it would be low cost .

Signature seen by Members of Congress:
Mr. Sean Eagan
508 E 7th st
Jamestown, NY 14701

Signature seen by other POPVOX users:
New York's 27th district

This letter is pending delivery to Rep. Brian Higgins [D, NY-27].

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