
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Veterans I.D. Card Act-H.R. 2985

Veterans I.D. Card Act-H.R. 2985

Representative Todd Akin (R-MO-2) on Sept. 21, 2011 introduced H.R. 2985 Veterans I.D. Card Act.

This bill would direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to issue upon request, veterans identification cards to certain veterans, reads in part

Currently veterans identification cards are issued to veterans who have completed the time in service requirements for retirement from the armed services, or have  received a medical-related discharge from the armed services.

A veteran who has served a minimum obligated time in service, but does not meet the criteria described above does not receive a means of identifying the veterans status as a veteran other than using the official DD-214 discharge papers to demonstrate such proof.

Goods, services and promotional activities are often provided by public and private institutions to veterans who provided proof of service in the military but it is impractical for a veteran to always carry official DD-214 discharge papers to demonstrate such proof.

`Sec. 5706. Veterans identification card

    `(a) In General- The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall issue an identification card described in subsection (b) to any covered veteran who--
      `(1) requests such card;
      `(2) was discharged from the Armed Forces under honorable conditions;
      `(3) presents a copy of the DD-214 form or other official document from the official military personnel file of the veteran that describes the service of the veteran; and
      `(4) pays the fee under subsection (c)(1).
    `(b) Identification Card- An identification card described in this subsection is a card that--
      `(1) displays a photograph of the covered veteran;
      `(2) displays the name of the covered veteran;
      `(3) explains that such card is not proof of any benefits to which the veteran is entitled to;
      `(4) contains an identification number that is not a social security number; and
      `(5) serves as proof that such veteran--
        `(A) honorably served in the Armed Forces; and
        `(B) has a DD-214 form or other official document in the official military personnel file of the veteran that describes the service of the veteran.
    `(c) Costs of Card- (1) The Secretary shall charge a fee to each veteran who receives an identification card issued under this section, including a replacement identification card.
    `(2)(A) The fee charged under paragraph (1) shall equal an amount that the Secretary determines is necessary to issue an identification card under this section.
    `(B) In determining the amount of the fee under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall ensure that the total amount of fees collected under paragraph (1) equals an amount necessary to carry out this section, including costs related to any additional equipment or personnel required to carry out this section.
    `(C) The Secretary shall review and reassess the determination under subparagraph (A) during each five-year period in which the Secretary issues an identification card under this section.
    `(3) Amounts collected under this subsection shall be deposited in an account of the Department available to carry out this section. Amounts so deposited shall be merged with amounts in such account and shall be subject to the same conditions and limitations as amounts otherwise in such account.
    `(d) Effect of Card on Benefits- (1) An identification card issued under this section shall not serve as proof of any benefits that the veteran may be entitled to under this title.
    `(2) A covered veteran who is issued an identification card under this section shall not be entitled to any benefits under this title by reason of possessing such card.
    `(e) Administrative Measures- (1) The Secretary shall ensure that any information collected or used with respect to an identification card issued under this section is appropriately secured.
    `(2) The Secretary may determine any appropriate procedures with respect to issuing a replacement identification card.
    `(3) In carrying out this section, the Secretary shall coordinate with the National Personnel Records Center.
    `(4) The Secretary may conduct such outreach to advertise the identification card under this section as the Secretary considers appropriate.
    `(f) Covered Veteran Defined- In this section, the term `covered veteran' means a veteran who--
      `(1) is not entitled to retired pay under chapter 1223 of title 10; and
      `(2) is not enrolled in the system of patient enrollment under section 1705 of this title
      That is how the bill is written.
      While several states have begun issuing veterans ID cards, not all are doing so at this time. A Federal ID Card would be a blessing to those veterans who do not have not retired or enrolled with the Department of Veterans Affairs. 
      Please contact your Representative asking them to cosponsor H.R. 2985 and vote for passage when it reaches the full House Floor.

---------------- "And so the greatest of American triumphs... became a peculiarly joyless victory. We had won the Cold War, but there would be no parades." -- Robert M. Gates, 1996

Sean P Eagan

Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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