
Friday, December 16, 2011



Dear Patriots:

5 Soldiers, 2 Sailors, 1 Airman and 3 Marines need your help to save our country!

These eleven veterans were volunteers. They joined the military when there was no draft, when military service was the exception rather than the rule, as it was in previous generations. They enlisted or reenlisted after 9/11, knowing combat was inevitable.

Now they are answering the call to follow in the great American tradition of going from citizen soldier to citizen statesman.  

Because they are conservative Republicans we know they are right on the issues.  Because they have already demonstrated selfless service to country we know they can be trusted to put the nation's best interest first and foremost.

In this era of discontent with government, voters realize that those who have already gone eye-to-eye with al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and the Sunni insurgency are more than equipped to stand up to special interests, party bosses, and an ideologue president.

We desperately need these fine men in Congress but the political establishment will never give up power without a fight.  That's why we need your contribution to Afghanistan & Iraq Veterans for Congress (AIVC) today.

To ensure these vets have the resources they need for upcoming battles with the defenders of the status quo, we need your contribution today.

Please no matter the size of your contribution, be $5, $10, $25, $100 or more, every dollar will go toward electing conservative Republican veterans.

Yours for Victory,

Kieran Michael Lalor
Founder, Afghanistan & Iraq Veterans for Congress
Marine Corps Veteran, Operation Iraqi Freedom

PS:  Remember our one golden rule at AIVC is: absolutely no R.I.N.O.'s  (Republicans-In-Name-Only) allowed!  Not one penny will go to candidates who will go along to get along.

Afghanistan & raq Veterans for Congress PAC (AIVC) is a federally registered political action committee supporting the congressional campaigns of conservative veterans. AIVC looks for veterans who are determined to become a voice for our troops, military families and hardworking patriotic Americans who believe that our country, our Constitution and our way of life are worth fighting for. AIVC was founded in 2007 by Kieran Michael Lalor, a Marine Veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Afghanistan & Iraq Veterans for Congress 2012 US Senate Candidates
Brian K. Hill
Connecticut, US Senate
US Army

Richard Douglas
Maryland, US Senate
US Navy
Iraq Vet

Afghanistan & Iraq Veterans for Congress 2012 US House Candidates
Justin Bernier
Connecticut's 5th District
US Navy
Afghanistan Vet

Chris Coutu
Connecticut's 2nd District
US Air Force

Stephen Labate
New York's 2nd District
US Army
Iraq Vet

John Loughlin
Rhode Island's 1st District
RI National Guard
Iraq Vet

Patrick Murray
Virginia's 8th District
US Army
Iraq Vet

Ilario Pantano
North Carolina's 7th District
US Marine Corps
Iraq Vet
Desert Storm Vet

Wes Riddle
Texas' 25th District
US Army
Desert Storm Vet

Charlie Schaupp
California's 3rd District
US Marine Corps
Iraq Vet
Desert Storm Vet

Dakota Wood
Oklahoma's 3rd District
US Marine Corps
Iraq Vet

This email is paid for and authorized by Afghanistan & Iraq Veterans for Congress PAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
105 Stony Brook Road
Fishkill, NY 12524

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