
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Breaking: Last U.S. troops leaving Iraq

Dear Sean,

The President just announced that the last 40,000 troops are on their way back from Baghdad. After eight years of combat, nearly 4,500 American fallen and 32,000 wounded in action, the country is ready to close the chapter on Iraq. But for veterans and their families, wars don't end with a single speech.

As the last U.S. troops leave Baghdad, many Americans will stop paying attention. We need your support to help us get ahead of this surge home.

It's estimated the lifetime costs of caring for this generation of veterans could exceed $1 trillion. But our veterans and their families can't rely on the government alone to make this investment. That's why we started IAVA and why we keep membership free – to fill the gap and connect our community to resources like our Post-9/11 GI Bill and Combat to Career programs.

Your donation will ensure our last 40,000 troops have the tools to navigate the challenges ahead for years to come.

The Iraq war is ending, but the battle is just starting for new veterans. Thank you for giving them the welcome home they deserve.


Paul Rieckhoff
Founder and Executive Director
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America

Sean P Eagan

Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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