
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Holiday Message from DAV

Dear Sean,

Sharing the Season's Joy With Heroes!
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The DAV joins these great Marines in wishing you happy holidays!

But, as you make your holiday gift of $25, $50 or $100, let us remind you that many disabled vets face great need at this time of year.
Donate button blue

During this holiday season, as our troops leave Iraq and start drawing down Afghanistan, we at the DAV are rolling up our sleeves to ensure a happy homecoming for America's heroes.

It warms my heart to picture kids trimming the Christmas tree or lighting the Menorah with moms and dads just home from war.

What a thrill it will be for many of our war-weary troops to rediscover the joy of being "home for the holidays," Sean!

At such a wonderful time, no hero's heart should be heavy with worry or pain. Yet for many veterans, the transition back to "normal" life is a tough one.

Make sure these challenges don't extinguish the season's joy as you deliver comfort and hope through the DAV.

Your gifts to disabled veterans are many. Through the DAV, you help them get urgently needed benefits, earned through the sacrifice of their blood and their health.

You support a host of DAV volunteers who, right now, are flooding veterans' hospitals with seasonal spirit! You bring DAV programs onto military bases and into communities like yours.

All of this warms my heart, especially the thought of troops who will be "home for Christmas" this year physically — not "only in their dreams."

As you consider the great gifts you received from freedom's brave defenders, will you offer our disabled veterans your holiday gift of $25 … $50 … $100 or more now?

Sharing the Season's Joy With Heroes!


Arthur H. Wilson, National Adjutant
Disabled American Veterans











Since its founding more than 90 years ago, Disabled American Veterans has been dedicated to a single purpose: Building Better Lives for America's Disabled Veterans and Their Families.

Sean P Eagan

Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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