
Thursday, December 08, 2011

Cold War Service Medal Legislation

Here is a list of the members of the House Armed Services Committee that will be reconciling the Senate and House
versions of the NDAA. These are just the names of the Armed Services Committee, I am still trying to get a list of the
rest of the committee.

The House appointed the following HASC lawmakers today: McKeon, Bartlett, Thornberry, Akin, Forbes, Miller (Fla), LoBiondo, Turner (Ohio), Kline, Rogers (Ala), Shuster, Conaway, Wittman, Hunter, Rooney, Schilling, Griffin (Ark), West, Smith (Wash.), Reyes, Sanchez, Loretta, McIntyre, Andrews, Davis (Calif.), Langevin, Larsen (Wash.), Cooper, Bordallo, Courtney, Loebsack, Tsongas, and Pingree (Maine). There are also a slew of House conferees from other committees, such as intelligence, to advise their colleagues.

We need to contact them as soon and as often as you can. Since most Representatives will only accept emails from
people in their district the best is to call their offices and if possible fax them.

The committee wants to have the final version by the weekend, and vote probably on Tuesday.
So we do not have a lot of time.

Jerald R. Terwilliger
National Chairman
American Cold War Veterans
"We Remember"

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