
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Student Launches New Data Base Tool for Locating Veterans Burial Records

The holidays are a time for reflection and giving thanks. For families of veterans, that might mean paying a visit to the grave of a loved one to lay a wreath or say a prayer. Now there is a new online tool to help facilitate the process of locating veteran graves.

A student at the University of California at Santa Barbara partnered with FindTheData to help create a tool for finding graves of veterans and their beneficiaries, such as children and spouses. A recent data release by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs was used to build the tool. You can search for graves by deceased date, name, military rank, military branch etc. Use the following widget to find a grave or visit LocateGrave

Feel free to contact evan_thomas (@) with any questions, comments or ideas regarding the tool.

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