
Wednesday, December 07, 2011

VFW Year End Campaign

For more than a decade, our servicemen and women have fought long and hard. As a veteran, you understand what they've been through.

Let's see to it that those returning from Iraq and Afghanistan won't have to fight another never-ending battle here at home …

Here's how.

Our official 2011 Year-End Campaign begins today. You can do your part for your comrades by contributing to the Campaign right now.

Make Your Year-End Gift

Sean, nearly 40,000 new veterans will be back on American soil by year's end. Our government can barely keep up with the current veterans …

How will they manage this new onslaught of severely wounded and traumatized war veterans? Especially when so many of them will need a lifetime of continued care!

Please help VFW bridge the gap and provide a better quality of life for all veterans. Please give to the 2011 Year-End Campaign today.

Thank you for your service and for taking action today to help your fellow veterans.
Sean P Eagan
Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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