
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Cold War Conversations IV -- The Cuban Missile Crisis: 50 Years Later

Dear Subscriber,
I am pleased to present this issue of The Cold War Times, containing news from The Cold War Museum, articles, stories and other items related to the Cold War. 
Please take particular note of our upcoming symposium, Cold War Conversations IV -- The Cuban Missile Crisis: 50 Years Later.  We hope you'll take this opportunity to witness first-hand accounts of the events of that crisis.  The event is free of charge, but we do need sponsors to help cover costs.  For more information click here, contact me, or contact Gary Powers ( or DR Butler at the phone number below.
Also, please take note of our growing list of Founding Members.  We are grateful for their support, and encourage you to join them in helping to secure the future of this important educational institution.
With warm regards and appreciation for the Freedom we enjoy,
John Welch
Co-Founder and Board Chair
The Cold War Museum
For more information on Cold War Conversations IV -- The Cuban Missile Crisis: 50 Years Later:
Dr. Douthard R. Butler
Associate AD for Community Relations
George Mason University
 703-993-3251 ,
Francis Gary Powers, Jr.
Founder and Chairman Emeritus
The Cold War Museum

Sean P Eagan

American Cold War Veterans  Inc  Image


Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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