
Saturday, September 22, 2012

From My Friends at VVA 47 Riverside Ca.

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans


Yesterday, the New York Times wrote an editorial about the misuse of Veterans land and the abuse of homeless Veterans in Los Angeles.


The Old Veteran Guard of the Veterans Revolution thanks the NY Times for publicly exposing this truth on the East Coast and across the nation, which is what we have been protesting for four and-a-half years at one of the busiest intersections in West Los Angeles.


But this is not the first time that the New York Times has written about Veteran abuse in Los Angeles.  Please see the attached article that exposes blatant abuse of Veteran residents at the National Soldiers Home here in 1889


This article underscores how our government has always mistreated those who defend our Nation's freedom with abuse, disdain and disrespect. 


NOTICE!  This long train of abuse against America's Military Veterans must come to an end! 


Become part of American history and join the Veterans Revolution and this noble cause to bring an end to the land-fraud corruption and horrific crimes perpetrated against America's Veterans.   


We're looking for a few good "Citizen Soldiers" to join us tomorrow for our 238th consecutive Sunday Rally  to "Save Our Veterans Land" and to "Bring Our Homeless Veterans HOME."


Show up tomorrow between 1:00 - 4:00 PM outside the locked front gates to the largest VA in the nation Northeast corner of Wilshire and San Vicente Boulevards, adjacent to Brentwood be a part of this noble cause.   


Meet the Old Veterans Guard under the "Veterans Grand Old Flag Memorial" and stand proudly in the Veterans Revolution!


REMEMBER, 20,000 disabled and homeless Veteran in Los Angeles are depending upon us to change history by taking care of those who have taken care of us.






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