
Thursday, September 27, 2012

More Dismay about GOP Filibustering Vets Jobs Bill in Senate

Senate Republicans kill veterans' jobs bill
Pittsburg Morning Sun (blog)
With a major national election just seven weeks away, senators would have to be out of their minds to reject a jobs bill for U.S. military veterans, right? Apparently not. The bill needed 60 votes to advance. The final tally was 58 to 40, and all 40 ...

Senate GOP Blocks Jobs Bill for Vets
Mesquite Citizen Journal
I have been criticized for looking deep into history for support of my positions–I'll try to do better by citing a defeated bill from just last week. A column headline from the September 20 Las Vegas Review Journal read, "Senate GOP blocks jobs bill ...

YOUR VIEW: Alabama Sens. Sessions, Shelby hypocrites for no votes on vets ...
The Birmingham News - (blog)
Sessions, Shelby hypocrites for no votes on vets jobs bill ... The 40 U.S. senators who killed the bipartisan-written Veterans' Job Corps Act last week, including Alabama's Jeff Sessions and Richard Shelby, should be branded as the hypocrites they are.

GOP: save Veterans Job Corps Act, cut money from $380 billion in defense ...
Death and Taxes
The GOP says that the Democrats' S.3457, a $1 billion Veterans Job Corp bill which they supported 95-5 in the Senate several weeks ago but voted against last week, is spending concern. According to Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama), it "violate[d] the ...

Letters: Veterans, jobs and partisan politics
Los Angeles Times
The recent jobs bill for veterans was blocked by Senate Republicans last week. It was designed to help veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan since the 9/11 attacks. It was being paid for, as The Times writes, by "imposing penalties on Medicare ...

Republicans turn their backs on veterans: vote down jobs bill for our vets
Washington Times
Last week thanks to the Republicans, Congress left town without passing a jobs bill that would have benefited our returning veterans. It was a slap in the face of the men and women who have put their lives on the line, but whom the Republicans thought ...

Veterans' Jobs Bill Blocked in the Senate
New York Times (blog)
The measure, which would have potentially created jobs for up to 20,000 veterans, was blocked on a procedural point by Republicans, who argued that the bill was unpaid for. Senator Patty Murray, a Washington Democrat and the bill's main sponsor, said ...

Ventura County Star
Did I miss something? Where is The Star's article discussing how Senate Republicans filibustered the veterans jobs bill and it failed to pass? Why not an article on how the Republicans have done everything they can to defeat President Obama and America ...

Barack Obama attacks Republicans over failure of veterans jobs bill
The Guardian
President Barack Obama attacked the Republican party on Saturday, for scrapping a bill that would have established a $1bn scheme to help military veterans get jobs. In his weekly radio address, Obama attacked GOP politicians for failing to pass the ...



Sean Eagan

American Cold War Veterans, Inc.
Blog: Cold War Veterans Blog
Phone:  716 720-4000 
Network: My Fast Pitch! Profile

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