
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

VETPAC invites you to join us for Cocktails and Conversation

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VETPAC invites you to join us for Cocktails and Conversation with Scott Allen, Justin Ford, Amit Magdieli, Michael Moschella, John Pomeroy & Terron Sims.
In Support of Our Endorsed Candidates
Tulsi Gabbard (HI-2) - Congressman Leonard Boswell (IA-3) - U.S. Senator Bill Nelson (FL) - Fmr. Governor Tim Kaine (VA) - Congressman Tim Walz (MN-1) - Fmr. US Asst. Sec. of the Navy, Brig. Gen. John Douglass (Ret.), Candidate (VA-5) - and Congressman Bill Owens (NY-23) - Brendan Mullen (IN-2) - Tammy Duckworth (IL-8)
Monday September 24th, 2012
5:30pm – 7:30pm

James Hobans Restaurant
1 Dupont Circle NW
Washington, DC
Suggested Donations:
PAC $1,000 | HOST $500 | SUPPORTER $100
Click Here to Contribute:
Please RSVP to Jennifer at: or at  (571) 305-1599 


Justin Ford
President, VETPAC

P.S. Forward this email to 5 friends and ask them to join us!
Sean P Eagan

American Cold War Veterans  Inc  Image


Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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