
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

VFW’s Voice of Democracy scholarship competition!


2012 VOD Entry Deadline

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Watch the 2011-12 winning essay
Listen to the 2011-12 state winners
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Voice of Democracy 1st Place Winner Elizabeth Scannell
2011-12 Voice of Democracy 1st Place Winner Elizabeth Scannell



Help Us Get the Word Out

Dear Sean,

It's time once again for VFW's Voice of Democracy scholarship competition!

For more than 60 years, VFW has supported the education of our country's most promising and talented students (grades 9-12) with impressive scholarships.

First prize is a $30,000 scholarship paid directly
to the American college, university or vocational/technical school
 of the student's choice!

Please help us get the word out to:

  • High School Students
  • Teachers
  • Youth Groups
  • Parent-Teacher Associations
  • School Boards

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Post the news on your Facebook page, too. We want as many patriotic young Americans to participate in our scholarship competition as possible.

But hurry! The deadline to submit an audio-essay to VFW Posts is November 1, 2012.

Thank you for helping us reach more students with this fantastic opportunity.

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Veterans of Foreign Wars | 406 West 34th Street | Kansas City, MO 64111

Sean P Eagan

American Cold War Veterans  Inc  Image


Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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