
Friday, October 26, 2012

IAVA 11/11 is Veterans Day


11/11 is Veterans Day. It's the one day we honor our fellow veterans
and unite as a community. It's the day we get together to be around
those who know what it's like. It's the day we stand proud.

It's the day we show each other, and America, we've got your back.

IAVA is activating thousands of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans and
their families at parades, events and service projects across America.
And to quote Uncle Sam, WE WANT YOU! Don't miss the best day of the
year to be a part of the veteran community.

Sign up now for an event in your area. Stand up and stand proud. And
don't worry, if there are no events near you, you can still connect
with the community through our online awareness campaign next week.

Get excited. Our day is almost here!


Paul Rieckhoff
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA)


Sean Eagan
American Cold War Veterans, Inc.
Blog: Cold War Veterans Blog
Phone: 716 720-4000
Network: My Fast Pitch! Profile

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