
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

IAVA health, education, employment and community.




IAVA's mission is clear: to better the lives of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. And with your support, we've built the most effective, innovative veterans support group in America.

We focus on four key program areas critical to empowering the New Greatest Generation: health, education, employment and community. We military folks love acronyms, so we call it HEEC.

All of our programs deliver transformative change through what we call our "3 A's of Impact": game-changing Assistance (connecting vets with each other and our HEEC programs), powerful Advocacy (fighting for better HEEC policy in Washington) and innovative Awareness (making sure America remembers our vets and knows why we rock).

We work every day to make sure America does not forget about our service members, veterans and their families. From the south side of Chicago, to your local TV station, and through the maze of Twitter, IAVA sends the message that vets are not a charity, we're an investment.

But the candidates running for office this year at every level, from every party, are not getting the message. In the debates, you heard nothing about the issues that matter to us most. After 10 years of war, you heard more about Big Bird than you did about veterans. The candidates all seem more interested in fighting each other than fighting for us. After every debate, the democrats and republicans clamber to claim victory, but only one thing is for sure--our veterans and their families lost.

At IAVA, we think we can change that. Download IAVA's short, smart, non-partisan Voter Guide now and make your voice heard. Print it out at work, forward it to your friends at school, post it on your Facebook page, talk about it with your family at your dinner table. And if a candidate comes asking for your vote in the next two weeks, USE IT. Don't let them off the hook when they say "I support our troops" and pose for a photo. Ask them the tough questions:

How will you create jobs for veterans? How will you lower the skyrocketing suicide rate? How will you ensure our women warriors receive the support they deserve? Will you protect the New GI Bill? Will you demand reform within the VA?

That's what we need to know. And IAVA's Voter Guide makes it easy for you to find out.

Let's get to work!


Paul Rieckhoff
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA)

P.S. --  Did you know that IAVA is participating in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)? Donate now and invest in the New Greatest Generation - our number is 75335.

IAVA Bulletin Go to the Combined Federal Campaign and Help IAVA in there !!



Sean Eagan

American Cold War Veterans, Inc.
Blog: Cold War Veterans Blog
Phone:  716 720-4000 
Network: My Fast Pitch! Profile

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