
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Letters | Medicare, veterans, Mitt Romney -

Letters | Medicare, veterans, Mitt Romney -

 Dire future possible
There is nothing about the GOP platform that would lead one to conclude that the Republicans care about the middle class or the poor. Repealing the Affordable Care Act and placing the burden of health care reform on states, whose budgets are already strained, is crazy.
For the poor, it would be a step back in time. Cutting taxes on the rich and withdrawing regulations on big corporations and banks are prescriptions for economic disaster.
Furthermore, decimation of entitlement programs will lead to wider unemployment, furthering economic instability. Overzealous patriotism and myopic, arrogant nationalism will lead to increased defense spending and ultimately a war with Iran, which will take us back to 1929 in a heartbeat.
Voucherizing Medicare will lead to the death of Medicare, not its preservation, and seniors will die earlier and as paupers, as they did decades ago.
Repealing Roe vs. Wade will return us to the 1950s and the horrors of coat-hanger abortions.
For the wealthy, their elite way of life will continue, and the chasm between the rich and the 99 percent will grow and over time will bring tremendous unrest. Who knows what will happen then?
Robert Stuber, M.D.

AMEN Dr. Stuber

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