
Sunday, October 07, 2012

Support Enhanced Access for Disabled Veterans Overseas Ratify UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Dear Mr. Eagan:

     Thank you for writing to express your support for the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.  I wholeheartedly agree that people with mental and physical disabilities need to be protected from discrimination and we must ensure that they have the adequate resources to better their lives, which is why I was a cosponsor of the original Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  
     Throughout my career, I have been a strong advocate for people with disabilities. Last year, I signed a letter to the Senate Appropriations Committee urging them to fund at the highest levels the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act in order to fulfill our promise of truly assisting our schools in the education of students with disabilities. I have also continued to urge the Senate Budget Committee to fully fund the Social Security Administration for Continuing Disability reviews in order to reduce the long wait times that many applicants face.  I am troubled by the long wait times facing New Yorkers who are in the process of applying for their disability benefits.  New York State has a backlog of more than 50,000 disability cases, and the average statewide waiting period for a decision is nearly a year.  As a member of the Finance Committee, which has jurisdiction over the Social Security program, this remains one of my top legislative priorities.  I will continue advocating for the rights and the needs of Americans with disabilities in the workplace, schools, and beyond.  
     The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has the stated purpose to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity.  This would include such rights as the right to health, education, work, inclusion in society and to vote.  
     This treaty has been signed by the United States government, but must still be approved by the Senate.  While the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has held a hearing on the treaty, it has yet to be introduced in the Senate.  I do not sit on that committee but I will closely monitor the treaty's progress in the Senate.
     Again, thank you for contacting me regarding this important issue. Please feel free to contact me in the future if I can be of further assistance on this or any other matter.
Charles E. Schumer
United States Senator


Letter to NY Senators: Support Enhanced Access for Disabled Veterans Overseas

Sean Eagan
508 East 7th Street
Jamestown, NY 14701-3602

September 5, 2012

Dear Senator Schumer and Senator Gillibrand ,

I am writing to you today to ask you to vote Yes to ratifying the
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability or CRPD.

By voting Yes you will be supporting the values of the Americans with
Disability Act and allowing the Unites States to have a much greater voice
in the discussion surrounding global disability rights.

Thank you in advance for your support of this most important issue!

As a 100 percent service connected disabled veteran and life member of the
VFW living in NY I feel my Comrades living abroad should be afforded the
same protections as I do here at home.

I would like to know your position on this and I will be looking forward
to your response.


Sean P. Eagan


Sean Eagan
American Cold War Veterans, Inc.
Blog: Cold War Veterans Blog
Phone:  716 720-4000
Network: My Fast Pitch! Profile

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