
Friday, October 12, 2012

VFW - Veterans of Foreign Wars

VFW - Veterans of Foreign Wars

Navy Celebrates 237 Years October 13

U.S. Sailors have served in every American war

The United States Navy was founded 237 years ago this Saturday, Oct. 13. Throughout our history, this branch of service has played a crucial role in defending our nation and fighting for freedom around the world, having served with distinction in every single American war. When our nation has been threatened, the members of the United States Navy have always answered the call. 
Today, Sailors are deployed around the world, and thousands of others are here in America, defending our nation’s shores. These courageous men and women serve with remarkable heroism and valor. Their willingness to do so is a tribute to their selfless sense of duty. As a result, every American, and millions of people around the world, remain free. We all owe them a tremendous debt of gratitude.
To all of those who have served in the United States Navy, the Veterans of Foreign Wars salutes you! Through your sacrifice and service, you have helped make the United States the greatest nation on earth!

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